Okay. So here is just some rambling, mostly to get my feelings out of my body, by way of my fingertips. And by one of the people I appreciate decides to read it, they can laugh. . or see how I never change, or they can just forget it entirely.
Boys. . . can't live with them and can't live with out them. I have such a good way of falling for the ones that are stupid. Wait, that's kind of harsh. I have a good way of falling for the boys who:
a. are getting over another relationship (aka had their heart broken),
b. don't understand how girls need to communicate. I mean, you've just got to learn, if they call you, you should call them back, it does not matter how late!
c. are terrible flirts, I mean, stop flirting with the girl if you don't like her
d.are so amazing that they have so many friends, they just don't come across as popular, and because of it they have million girls just falling in love with them all the time. Gee, it is hard to compete with that.
and lastly and probably the most devastating,
e.don't realize that they like me as much as they really do, and if they do, are too damaged, scared or boy to do anything about it.
How does that happen? It just does. Although may I mention, I have been told by one that he knew how much he liked me. He was just intimidated and felt like he wasn't good enough for me.
Anyways. I guess what I am really getting at is that I like these quiet guys, who are hard to read. I like to know their secrets, and I like it when I can get to know them in a way that I feel like no one else knows them. Then this tragic thing happens, we become friends and I am afraid to lose them. So, this quiet guy, who is amazing. I wait on him. . . and usually my heart gets broken in the end. But then I pick up the pieces and vow it won't happen again, until one day it does. And each time it feels more and more like he really is interested in me and it could actually go somewhere.
I guess the hope that I have, and probably every girl in the world, is that one day, I will meet one who will be all these things, and he will be wonderful in every way (well almost), and he will realize what a good pair we are, and he will realize how I have come to need him and rely on him, and how he relies on me too. And he will stay, and he won't want to leave me.
I think we should add f - all of the above.
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