Monday, February 9, 2009

Blowing thing out of proportion again.

This is a skill I am highly developed at. I don't really see it happening till after the fact. So today I was sitting in counseling and my counselor she was talking to me about my week, and I told her how I was kinda upset about earlier event in the week, and as I was telling her about this, she stops me and tells me that I totally set myself up for disappointment. Of course I did. Why would I do anything else? Of course I can really be ridiculous. I set myself up for disappointment. Okay. . .so then I became upset and sensitive, when really I was the cause of myself being upset in the first place.
Well. It is good to have someone tell you like it is. The pride gets hurt of course, but the perspective is good.

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Glad the honesty didn't leave you crushed, only slightly deflated. I HATE it when that happens!